Lawn maintenance tips
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Lawn maintenance tips

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  • Time of issue:2020-09-11
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(Summary description)Water the lawn? This is too simple, maybe you think so. Set up sprinklers on the grass, turn on the faucet, then turn your head away, and turn off the faucet when you remember. The watering is complete, that's all.

Lawn maintenance tips

(Summary description)Water the lawn? This is too simple, maybe you think so. Set up sprinklers on the grass, turn on the faucet, then turn your head away, and turn off the faucet when you remember. The watering is complete, that's all.

  • Categories:News
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-11
  • Views:0

Questions about watering the lawn
Water the lawn? This is too simple, maybe you think so. Set up sprinklers on the grass, turn on the faucet, then turn your head away, and turn off the faucet when you remember. The watering is complete, that's all.
Okay, stop. The job of watering the lawn is not as simple as you think. If you want a beautiful lawn, you also need to know more than just watering.
Now, let's take a look at what should be noted.
When is the best time to water?
The answer is morning. Hurry up to water before the sun rises. You can also water it in the evening when the weather is cool. If you water in the sun, most of the water will evaporate due to heat, rather than seeping into the lawn soil.
So, why shouldn't it be watered at night? Because if you water it at night, your lawn has the best chance of developing fungal diseases. Nature can choose to do this occasionally, but artificial watering can be controlled. Take care to allow enough time for the lawn to dry before night falls.
In other words, do not water too frequently but water thoroughly. But if it is a newly planted lawn, it is important to water a small amount frequently.
Can I water the lawn more?
Excessive watering can cause some problems. Standing water or often wet grassland, especially when combined with a warm climate, can cause fungi and pests to invade and cause damage.
How to water the lawn correctly?
Most people water their lawns not too little but too much. For the health of your lawn and water conservation, do you want to know how much water your lawn needs to thrive? Not too much and not too little.
In normal summer, you should water your lawn at the end of May, July, and August. But you must water it thoroughly, which is equivalent to a rainfall of 20-30mm to get the best results. If you water too little, it will be difficult for the water to reach the deepest roots of the lawn. Lawn plants will only continue to work hard to grow to other places with moisture, and as a result, your efforts will not have the effect on the lawn.
The lawn needs about 1 inch of water per week. So how do you know the amount of water? The most accurate way is to measure it. You can buy a rain gauge or use a can to make a rain gauge. Make a mark 1 inch from the bottom of the empty can, and place it in the garden you want to water.
Water the lawn for 20 minutes and then see how much water has accumulated in the can. Doing so will help you adjust the amount of water you use. A good overall goal is one inch of water per week. So is it best to water it once a week or to water it several times a week? It depends on the soil type of the lawn. For sandy or shallow soil, water will quickly run through the soil layer instead of being retained. For this kind of soil, more frequent watering will be more beneficial to your lawn.

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